Sustainability Pathways
In 2014 Hydroaid launched a very first environmental education initiative called "Sustainability Pathways" (Percorsi di sostenibilità in Italian) which involved six schools across the area of Turin for a total of 180 students. Such initiative was very successful and the great interest showed for the proposed topics - water resources and climate change - led to the project CliC- School changes climate.
UN Water Campaign #Wateris, 2015
In preparation for World Water Day 2015, UN launched the sensitization campaign #Wateris, asking to people from different countries, different age and different working background what water means. Hydroaid joined the initiative and organized a dedicated event which below are some pictures.
World Water Day 2015
In 2015 Hydroaid organized a public event for 2015 World Water Day on the topic "Water and sustainable development". The event involved the local community in activities including games, exhibits, videos and concerts inspired to water. The event showed the numerous contributions received by Hydroaid's network.