As part of the phase 3 (dissemination) of the project "Training for Development" and within the context of the Cooperation Brazil-Italy, Hydroaid was invited by the Frente Nacional de Prefeitos to participate in a seminar in Brasilia held in the occasion of a conference on sustainable development (II Encontro dos Municipios com o Desenvolvimento Sustentavel) on the theme "The challenges of the collection and disposal of solid waste" (Os desafios da coleta e destinação dos resíduos sólidos) with the participation of Brazilian Hydroaid trainees involved in the project.
The seminar was an excellent occasion for presenting the Turin experience and the process leading to its current integrated system as a valid model for confronting and sharing with other experiences in the Brazilian territory (with special regard to the several representatives of local Municipalities attending the event, the Ministerio das Cidades, theMinisterio do Meio Ambiente and ICLEI). Furthermore, the Hydroaid additional contribution to the Round Table on the Planning of services for the Saneamento Basico, which gained a great interest among the participants, paved the way for future collaborations with Brazilian insitutions, including whe Municipalities of Jundiaì, Santa Barbara d’Oeste, Patrocinio Paulista (area Sao Paulo), Campinas and Porto Alegre.
December 2024
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