The closing event of "CliC - School Changes Climate", a project realized by Hydroaid in collaboration with CinemaAmbiente TV and with the financial support of Autorità d’Ambito n.3 “Torinese”, took place in Turin on 5th June from 9.30 am to 11.00 at the Cinema Massimo. (SEE THE VIDEO HERE)
The event was held in the framework of "Ecokids" - the section that the Cineambiente Festivalreserves to its youngest audience scheduled from 4th May to 5th June - with the participation of representatives from the local institutions, the project promoters, the teachers and the young students, leaders of the project. "CliC - School Changes Climate", a project aimed at raising awareness among young students about the complex issues of climate change and its impact on water resource management, has been a great success involving 850 children from 38 classes belonging to 13 primary schools of the Metropolitan City of Turin, for a total of 44 hours of lessons, 250 riddles and games and 34 produced artworks. Two vouchers for the purchase of books on environmental issues and ten subscriptions to Cinemambiente TV were awarded to the classes that produced the most significant artistic works in terms of relevance to the topics, creativity and educational purpose, and which were best able to interpret and understand the importance of the impact of climate change. A "Special Prize" for the purchase of books on environmental sustainability was delivered by theSMAT CEO, Mr. Paolo Romano to the school that showed a particular attitude towards water issues in relation to the available educational resources, and which has been able to capture the most important aspects of the impact of climate change on this important resource. At the end of the project the works produced by the children have been exhibited, thanks to the support of SMAT, outside the Cinema Massimo.
December 2024
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