From 7 to 11 November a delegation of SMAT specialists will be in Odisha (India) to check the status of the plants and undertake a training activity to provide technical assistance in the areas of low-cost technologies for wastewater treatment, management of rainwater, sewerage and modeling, as well as to suggest solutions to improve wastewater and sludge treatment processes in India to Odisha Water Supply and Sewerage Board - OWSSB. SMAT intervention is part of the "EU-WOP" program, promoted and funded as part of the Global Water Operators Partnership Alliance of the European Union and aimed to improve the cooperation between water companies based in the EU and those present in countries with different levels of development. The goal is to enhance the management capabilities of the water service and facilitates the access to water and sanitation. SMAT, as Lead Partner, participates in the program through the project "Supporting OWSSB, India in Upgrading Capacities in Wastewater and Fecal Sludge Management" The project has a duration of 36 months. Partners of the project are: Hydroaid, International School of Water for Development, a non-profit association whose goal is to contribute to the strengthening of knowledge, skills and competences for the sustainable management of water resources in developing and emerging countries; the Polytechnic of Turin and the Philippine non-profit organization, Waterlinks, with the role of facilitator of partnerships with water operators in the Asia-Pacific region. SMAT and Indian technicians participate to 4 working groups. SMAT representatives of the first two groups will go on site to examine the state of the wastewater treatment services in the Odisha area to contribute to the training of the Indian technicians and do the goundwork for the start-up of the other two working groups. Since many years SMAT and Hydroaid are engaged in international cooperation for the development of the water service, through the training of technical staff, support in the implementation of projects and in acrivity management.
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December 2024
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