Through the last decades, international cooperation has invested increasing resources on the issue of local governance with the aim of promoting and strengthening the capacities of local authority. In particular, the local governance of water services has been consolidated as a catalyst for local development to generate and implement policies and services that are better suited to the needs of different contexts. Good governance of water services generates long-term impacts on the economic, social and political processes which establishes, even at the global level, relationships between territories and communities.
Hydroaid - International School of Water for Development, in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Turin and the Arco Latino network, thanks the financial support of the Autorità d'Ambito n.3 "Torinese" - the local authority of water services - isorganizing an international round table on “WATER AND CLIMATE - Common coordinates for a dialogue between Europe and Africa” . Through the dialogue between European and African experts, the Round Table intends to conduct participants in the analysis and comparisons of the different models of governance of water services, local good practices as well as challenges that are, nowadays, crucial issues for sustainable development.
"Water knowledge”, the Egyptian-Italian Water Training Programme, is a project financed by the Italian Cooperation Development Agency which main objective is the enhancement of specific and professional knowledge in the field of water management, as well as a shared vision on water as valuable contribution to improve an integrated approach on water management at the institutional levels.
The programme intends to contribute to the improvement of capacities of relevant Egyptian training provider in the field of water management by ensuring a flexible and efficient training hub in Egypt and in the region. In particular, it will focus on the improvement of the technical infrastructure and equipment of the Regional Training Sector for Water Resources and Irrigation (RTSWRI) in order to ensure the capacity of hosting an innovative water training hub in the region and contribute to the improvement of water quality and governance, hygiene and nutritional services through an integrated approach. “Water Knowledge” is the result of a process aimed at developing initiatives within the national Egyptian strategy 2030 for Sustainable Development, which involved CHIEAM Bari – the Italian branch of CIHEAM, a Mediterranean intergovernmental organization devoted to the sustainable development of agriculture and fisheries, food and nutrition security and rural and coastal areas. – Hydroaid – Water Development Management Institute, the Cairo office of the Italian Cooperation Development Agency and the Egyptian Regional Training Sector for Water Resources and Irrigation (RTSWRI). The programme, officially approved in March 2019, will last 24 month and will include high level training courses in Egypt, e-learning training modules and technical visits in Italy for the benefit of around 900 participants among junior Egyptian employees in the water sector, senior officials from key ministries dealing with water management issues at different levels, regional water officials from countries of the Nile basin, trainers and lab technicians. The expected result is, on one hand, the enhancement of the technical infrastructure and the equipment of the RTSWRI and, on the other hand, the improvement of the water training system with regard to teaching methodologies, managerial skills for trainers and knowledge acquisition for trainees. On the occasion of this year's World Water Day, SMAT, the Turin Water utility, organized the evente "Water within the 2030 Agenda", in close collaboration with Hydroaid, Cinemambiente and the ATO3 Water Authority. During the event primary and secondary school students took part in the educational quiz "YouLabWater" to test their knowledge on the different aspects of water resourcse and answered questions on the origin, distribution, availability in nature and consumption of water, as well as the questions about the integrated water service and its management. The initiative was part of "WWW-Worldwide Water Week" the route towards the 2019 World Water Day a project promoted by Hydroaid thanks the supportro of ATO3 and included among the events of the United Nations World Water Day. Dans le cadre du projet financé par l’Union européenne au Sénégal « Harmonisation des dynamiques périurbaines pour une Ecologie Participative des Communes Sam Notaire, Ndiarème Limamoulaye, Wakhinane Nimzatt et Yeumbeul Nord – ECOPAS », Hydroaid, partenaire du projet, est à la recherche d’un consultant/bureau d’étude pour la réalisation d’ une cartographies des ressources en eau. Pour postuler télécharger le document en pdf ci-dessous.
WWW - Worldwide Water Week, the route towards the 2019 World Water Day for two-hundred first level secondary school students of the Metropolitan Area of Turin, Italy. This initiative, promoted by Hydroaid as part of the World Water Day events and realized thanks to the financial support of the ATO3 - the Turin water authority - in partnership with SMAT – the Turin water utility – has the objective of sensitizing and acquainting youngsters to a mindful and sustainable use of water resources. WWW – Worldwide Water Week will encourage a conscious and sustainable use of water resources with specific regard to climate changes and the impacts of these on water resources, as one of the fundamental aspect of the 2030 Agenda. Worldwide Water Week will promote a world-wide social campaign, from 14 January to 22 March, through Facebook and Instagram, during which the sharing of texts, graphics, video clips, web pages, links and hashtags will contribute to the dissemination of a water culture focused on the intergenerational sustainability. From 18 to 22 March the first level secondary school students will take part to “YouLab Water” – the water lab specifically designed for school students – and on March 22nd the participating schools will be part of the initiatives organized by SMAT for the World Water Day and awarded with a certificate of participation. Worldwide Water Week, the route towards 2019 World Water Day! As part of the project "Water Diplomacy, Culture and Sustainability - The Nile River, researches, cinema and music" – an initiative promoted by the Center for African Studies which proposes a moment of reflection on different but complementary issues of water management, including the delicate international relations between the Nile Basin States, the issue of water sustainability and the access to water – Hydroaid has contributed to the organization of the international conference "The Nile, Water Diplomacy and Sustainability" which will be held at the University Campus "Luigi Einaudi" in Turin on 14 November at 9.00. The conference presents two sessions on the issues of sustainability, culture and water diplomacy. The first, with the intervention of international experts and researchers from European and African universities, will tackle the issue of the "hydropolitcs" issue of the Nile basin, while the second proposes a high-level debate with diplomatic representatives from the three main Nile Basin countries (Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan) on climate change and the impact on water resources. Ambassador Giuseppe Mistretta, former Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia and currently Director of Sub-Saharan Africa to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, will provide the final remarks of this important event. 113 cities and 24 hours: two figures to describe the importance of Climathon, a major event on climate, which took place last week-end involving institutions, authorities and associations working on the critical issue of climate change. Climathon involved 113 cities around the world including the City of Turin, which was chosen to host the "Climathon Main Stage: the way we change" , held at the Environment park, during which video broadcasting were set up with all the participating cities. In the meanwhile the Museum of Environemnt - Museo A come Ambiente (MAcA) - hosted a 24-hour "urban hackathon" where citizens, scholars, researchers, representatives of companies and associations gathered together to elaborate and propose possible solutions on the topic of extreme weather events. Hydroaid - Water for Development Management Institute actively contributed to Climathon 2018 promoting, in collaboration with the "Istituto per l'ambiente e l'istruzione Scholé Futuro Onlus" and "SMAT", Friday 26 October, the event "Young Climathon" in which "YouLabWater", a workshop to raise awareness on the issue of climate change and its impact on water resources, involved over 80 students of the first level secondary school from the local area. On Saturday 27 October, within the "School for the Environment" of Climathon Main Stage, dedicated to young primary and secondary school students, Hydroaid presented the second edition of the environmental education project "CLIC2 - the school changes the climate", on climate change and water footprint, which involves over one thousand students of 48 classes of the Metropolitan City of Turin. The President of Hydroaid, Ambassador Luigi Cavalchini, and Hydroaid's Acting Director, Ms Maria Cristina Ciancetta, were invited to participate at the second Italy-Africa Ministerial Conference organized in Rome by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on 25 October. The Conference is the occasion for an exchange of views with African Ministers of Foreign Affairs, high level representatives of major international organizations as well as Italian business, academia and civil society. Discussions aim at strenghtening the cooperation between Italy and Africa and focus mainly on the shared economic growth and mutual benefits, the political stability and security and the human development. Fifty-four African countries, most represented at ministerial level, and thirteen international organizations, including the Africa Union, for a total of 350 delegates take part in the Conference. Hydroaid is currently active in several African countries (Benin, Mozambico, Senegal, Tanzania) where contributes, through international cooperation initiatives, to the improvement of sustainable development, fostering the integration and encouraging the collaboration with local communities. In particular, Hydroaid is developing important relationships with the Water Development and Resources Found of Ethiopia and the Minister of Water and Irrigation of Egypt, aiming at the implementation of specific training initiatives and to establish Master programmes in the field of sustainable management of water resources. The President of Hydroaid, Ambassador Cavalchini, and Hydroaid's External Relations Manager, took part to the Cairo Water Week (CWW), a one week international conference on “Water conservation for sustainable development”, organized in Cairo by the Egyptian Ministry of Water and Irrigation from 14 to 18 October. This very first edition of the CWW was an important international gathering for promoting water awareness, fostering new thinking about the most pressing water-related challenges and envisaging actions towards integrated water resources management and conservation for sustainable development. The CWW gathered together all the actors and stakeholders, including governments and international organisations, operating in the water sector at the international and regional levels to discuss the most burning water-related issues such as desertification, water scarcity, upstream countries development and significant impact of climate change on water resources. During the CWW the Hydroaid's delegation, thanks to the support of the Italian Embassy in Cairo, had the opportunity to meet H.E. Mohamed Abdel Ati, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWI) and Chairman of Cairo Water Week and Dr. Khaled Abdelhay, President of the National Water Research Centre (NWRC) - the research and development centre of the Egyptian MWI - to discuss several possible initiatives concerning the development of training and Master programmes in the field of sustainable management of water resources. Hydroaid took part to the meeting organized by the Regione Piemonte in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding "The Regione Piemonte for Green Education". The meeting, addressed to the 33 signatories of the Protocol, focused on a work proposal by IRES Piemonte aimed at enhancing the subscribers' experiences with respect to the objectives of the Memorandum and with the aim of building a regional strategy on sustainability, consistent with the objectives of the Agenda 2030 and the National Strategy for Sustainable Development. |
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