Hydroaid participated in the first part of the online Consultation for the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review 2014 launched by UN TeamWorks last month. This first phase deals with the "Facilitators of development progress, including in the achievement of MDG" and focuses on strategies and policy ideas for:
- fostering, strengthening and supporting strong and stable policy frameworks for development; - promoting changes for accelerating progress in the achievement of the MDGs; - identifying obstacles to effective aid and transfer as well as factors that can develop more effective global partnerships for development. With regard to Hydroaid experience in the field of cooperation we believe that, although it requires time and resources, training is a key element for accelerating development because it ensures that the subjects beneficiary of cooperation projects and external aid are able to maintain the achieved benefits, develop and eventually improve them by taking control of their own development process. Hydroaid contribution also stressed the importance of sound planning principles that could facilitate decision making and are often lacking at local and intermediate levels. Awareness raising and development efforts should be therefore directed at demanding integrated planning guidelines for different levels of administration: national, regional and local.
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December 2024
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